Organization of Fruits & Vegetables Producers of Odou Area VASILIKI GI - Partner
In a very small rural area (with less than 200 inhabitants) in the village of Odos in the province of Larnaca, has been founded the Organization of Fruits and Perishables of the area Vasiliki Gi. Vasiliki Gi was created, gathering most of the farmers living in the area. The idea of our organization is, for producers to produce their own fruits and vegetables and make them available directly to consumers in order to ensure higher prices for themselves and lower prices for consumers.
The main objectives of Vasiliki Gi are:
• to improve the quality of production
• to keep the rural population in the area as well as to promote employment opportunities and the utilization of agricultural land.
The company has 62 shareholders and the produced products are:
Tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, green beans, cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, peppers, eggplants, tangerines, oranges, cherries, medlar.

National Association Of Vegetable Producers In Greenhouse, Solaries and Field LEGROM – Romania - Coordinator
National Association Of Vegetable Producers In Greenhouse, Solaries and Field LEGROM – Romania-Project Partner was founded in 2009 aiming to represent and protect at national and international level the interests of its members, in a competitive performance- based economy.
The main objectives of Legrom are:
- Promote the common interest of the Association
- Represent, promote and protect the common interest of members of the Association in front of the public administration authorities
- Facilitate the dialogue between public administrative authorities and members of LEGROM for the efficient economic growth of legumes producers.
- Conduct in regional, national, interregional and communitarian level a series of a number of activities that take into account consumers‘interest.
The main objectives of Legrom are:
- Promote the common interest of the Association
- Represent, promote and protect the common interest of members of the Association in front of the public administration authorities
- Facilitate the dialogue between public administrative authorities and members of LEGROM for the efficient economic growth of legumes producers.
- Conduct in regional, national, interregional and communitarian level a series of a number of activities that take into account consumers‘interest.
The founding and associate members of LEGROM are mainly
agribusinesses activating in the cultivation and standardization of fresh vegetables:
- tomatoes
- cabbages and peppers.
Legrom is founding member and structural branch of the National Interprofessional Organization PRODCOM -LEGUME – FRUCTE of Romania, the recognized interbranch organization of the fruits and vegetables sector.